An Overview: Educational Technology 2 & Module 1:Teaching and Learning with Technology: An Introduction

A Review of Educational Technology 1

Educ 58 Seminar-Workshop on the Preparation for K-12 Classroom: "Maximizing the Used of Innovative, Localized, and Digitized Instructional Materials"

Educational Technology 1 course has truly paved the way for the learners to become aware, appreciative and equipped to use educational technology tools ranging from traditional to modern educational media. 

The BSED Filipino 3 students presented their digitized instructional materials in Educ 58 inter-class competition.

A photo-op with the judges and winners of the Educ 58 Digitized Instructional Materials Inter-class Competition

Selected Educ 58 students were invited as Resource Speaker during the College of Education TECEP Extension Activity. 

Learners are oriented towards averting the dangers of dehumanization which technology brings into societies. There are areas where learners are oriented with and needs to be aware of: 
· Ideological propaganda 
· Pornography 
· Financial fraud 
· Other exploitative used of technology 

 If the learners would not be aware of these areas, these will continue to affect peoples and cultures, and would give gap between poor and rich countries. ET- 1 has something to apply which is necessary for instruction. 
 1. Setting of learning objectives 
2. Designing specific learning experiences 
3. Evaluating the effectiveness at the learning experiences 
4. Revision as needed of the whole teaching- learning process 

 An Overview: Educational Technology 2 

 Concerned of: “Integrating Technology into Teaching and Learning”

The meaning of which is putting together technology into teaching and learning so that these will become one in learner’s education. Specifically, it focuses on introducing, reinforcing, supplementing, and extending the knowledge and skills to learners so that they can become exemplary users of educational technology. 

 An Overview: Educational Technology 2


Educational Technology 2 will involve a deeper understanding of the computer as well as hands-on-application of computer skills. To infuse technology in the student-teacher training, helping learners to adapt and meet rapid and continuing technology changes in information and communication technology (ICT) environment.
The course objectives are: 
1. To provide education in the use of technology in instruction; 
2. To impart learning experiences in instructional technology supported instructional planning; 
3. To acquaint students on information technology; 
4. To use and evaluate computer-based educational resources; 
5. To engage learners on practical technology; and 
6. To inculcate higher-level thinking and creativity among students. 

Learning Content/Topics 
1. Review of Educational Technology 1 and Teaching & learning with Technology 
2. Introduction of Educational Technology 2 
3. Understanding Technology Learners 
4. Preferences of the Technology Generation 
5. Developing Basic Digital Skills 
6. Evaluation of Technology Learning 
7. Higher Thinking Skills Through IT-Based Projects 
8. Computers as Information and Communication Technology 
9. The Computer as a Tutor 
10. The Computer as the Teacher’s Tool 
11. Information Technology in Support of Student-Centered Learning 
12. Cooperative learning with the Computer 
13. The Software as an Educational Resource 
14. Understanding Hypermedia 
15. The Internet and Education 16. Educational Technology 2 Practicum 
17. Tablets for Textbooks in Schools 
18. CAI Making/Hand-on Activities through Webinar 

Module 1:Teaching and Learning with Technology: 

An Introduction

Learning Outcomes: 
1. Identified the competency standards of ICT for teaching and learning in pre-service teacher education. 
2. Unpacked the basic concepts of ICT to provide common understanding for teachers and learners. 
3. Valued the use of ICT in the teaching and learning processes. 


If there is one thing that changed the world so fast, it is TECHNOLOGY. While there exists technology in the past as non-digital technology, the current digital technology has been a factor that shrunk the world and made it flat. it has provided a new environment for learning, new ways teachers teach and also the new ways of how learners learn. In the beginning, it has created a divide between the digital natives and the digital immigrants. However, as the years go by, such divide has become narrower and even blurred. This has led to the new educational revolution in teaching and learning which has been triggered by technology and resulted to better learning outcomes in the 21st century. There may be so many arguments and questions why the pre-service teachers should be equipped with these new teaching pedagogies with the use of ICT. As a good start, please click on the video to have a better understanding why everyone in the academe should have to possess such skills and answer the questions that follow. Preparatory questions: Answer the following questions and send your responses to the Online Classroom assigned for this Course on the due date to be announced by your instructor. 

1. Why is there a need for teachers to be equipped with the necessary ICT literacy skills? 
2. What can you say about the mismatch of teachers and learners in the Philippine educational system? 3. What are some of the ways that a teacher can develop himself/herself professionally? 

Lesson 1: ICT Competency Standards for Philippines Pre-Service Teacher Education

What I Need to Know: 
In this lesson, you are expected to manifest the following outcomes: 
1. Identified the competency standards of ICT necessary in teaching for pre-service teacher education. 2. Familiarized with the ISTE National Educational Technology Standards for Teachers. 

What’s New! 
 ACTIVITY 1. Activity on Digital Citizen: 
Draw in a one whole piece of paper a similar figure found here. From your own point of view, sketch and equip the naked figure with the necessary competency standards that a 21st century teacher should possess, color if necessary (e.g. cap symbolizes what competency, pants, polo/ shirt, cellphone/ laptop in hand, shoes, eyeglass, etc.). Submit your output to the Online Classroom that will be created by your Instructor for this Course. 


Disparity among Teachers:

Teacher A has been a teacher for almost 30 years. She is very well-versed in her classes especially in delivering the content. The only thing is that she is intimidated to utilize laptops, computers or any gadgets in the delivery of her lesson. She feels that every time she will use these technologies, she cannot implement well her lesson to the class. She is only using the traditional technology such as chalk, chalkboard and self-made visual aids. Teacher B on the other hand is a neophyte teacher teaching the same subject with Teacher A. He is well-versed on the use of digital technology, such as delivering the lesson through PowerPoint Presentation, use of Interactive Materials, among others. He may not be so expert in the content delivery, but he is having a good time in the teaching learning process with the use of technology. 

Guide Questions: 
1. Who is better equipped to handle the 21st century learners? Teacher A or Teacher B? Why? 
2. Which of the two teachers would you like to become when you graduate? Why? 
3. Give reasons for choosing Teacher A or Teacher B by writing in in a one whole piece of paper. Upload and Submit all your answers in the Online Classroom created by the Instructor. 

What Is It 

Click on the video to have an understanding on the ICT Competency Standards for Philippines Pre-Service Teacher Education: (Please visit the site to view the video) 

ICT Competency Standards (CHED-UNESCO) as provided in the 2017, Policy, Standards and Guidelines (PSG) for Pre-Service Teacher Education The program outcomes for teacher education degrees clearly state that every future teacher: "demonstrate proficiency in the development and utilization of Information, Communication and Technology (ICT) resources in promoting quality teaching-learning process." 


To ensure that the program outcomes related to ICT shall be achieved, competencies were identified to be developed by every pre-service teacher (CHED-UNESCO, Bangkok, 2009.) The ICT Competency Standards is made up of seven domains. Each domain has a set of competencies. The competencies are expressed in desired learning outcomes. Becoming proficient in the different competencies will enable you to handle learners of the 21st century in your future classroom. 

 These domains and corresponding competencies are found in the Table that follows: Likewise, the Department of Education issued Department of Education Order 42, s. 2017 mandating the use of the Philippine Professional Standard for Teachers (PPST) to start with the Beginning Teachers who are fresh graduates from the teacher education program. The document includes: Show the skills in the positive use of ICT to facilitate teaching and learning and Show skills in the selection, development and use of the variety of teaching learning resources including ICT to address learning goals. These competency standards to learn and master will assume the 21st century learners in your class of a more enjoyable, creative, innovative ways in teaching and learning. 

ISTE National Educational Technology Standards for Teachers (NETS*T) 

An international organization for educational technology called International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE), established standards for both teachers and students. These standards were also referred to in the development of the Philippine ICT Competency Standards which include the following: 

    Standard 1: Technology Operations and Concepts This means that teachers demonstrate a sound understanding of technology operations and concepts. 

  Standard 2: Planning and Designing Learning Environment and Experiences This standard implies that teachers utilize the use of technology to plan and design effective learning environments and experiences. 
  Standard 3: Teaching, Learning and Curriculum Teachers should be mindful that in the implementation of curriculum plan, they have to include strategies for applying technology to maximize student learning. 

  Standard 4: Assessment and Evaluation Teachers apply technology to facilitate a variety of effective assessment and evaluation strategies to collect and analyze data, interpret results, and communicate findings to improve instructional practice and maximize student learning. 

  Standard 5: Productivity and Professional Practice Teachers use technology to engage in on-going professional development and lifelong learning in support of student learning, increase productivity and to build community of learners. 

  Standard 6: Social, Ethical, Legal and Human Issues Teachers understand the social, ethical, legal and human issues surrounding the use of technology in support of student learning who come from diverse background, affirm diversity, promote safe and healthy use of technology resources and facilitate access to technology resources for all students. Likewise, ISTE also developed standards needed for students. These standards will be used as a guide by teachers to plan technology-based activities in which students achieve success in learning, communication and life skills. 

  ISTE National Educational Technology Standards for Students (NETS*S) From how technology teachers facilitate learners, outcomes of student learning should indicate that the following standards have been complied with. 

  Standard 1: Creativity and Innovation This standard will produce students who demonstrate creative thinking, construct knowledge, develop innovative products and processes using technology from existing knowledge. 

  Standard 2: Communication and Collaboration This standard requires students to use digital media and environments to communicate and work collaboratively to support individual learning and contribute to the learning of others. This includes the use of variety of media and formats for global awareness with learners from other cultures. 

  Standard 3: Research and Information Fluency Students are expected to apply digital tools to gather, evaluate and use information and plan strategies for inquiry. This standard expects the student to locate, organize, analyze, evaluate, synthesize and ethically use information from a variety of sources and media. 

  Standard 4: Critical Thinking, Problem-Solving and Decision Making This standard expects the students to use critical thinking skills to plan and conduct research, manage projects, solve problems and make informed decisions using appropriate digital tools. 

  Standard 5: Digital Citizenship It is required by this standard that every technology student becomes a digital citizen who demonstrates ethical and legal behavior, exemplified by the practice of safe, legal and responsible use of information. Further, the student exhibits positive attitude towards the support of technology for collaboration, learning and productivity as a digital citizen. 

  Standard 6: Technology Operations and Concepts Sound understanding of technology concepts, systems and operation is a standard that students should comply with. They too, are expected to further transfer current knowledge to learning of new technologies. As pre-service teacher education students now, you will have to master the knowledge and skills (Learning to Know) for the standards for students. However, since you will become teachers in the future, you should harness the same knowledge and skills to become (Learning to Become) future teachers. 

  How Much Have I Learned This is to measure how much have you learned in this lesson. 

This will not be recorded, but this will only serve as your drill and practice activity. 

 A. Choose the best answer from the options given: How much have you learned? 

 1. All teachers in the 21st century should be _______. 

a. digital citizens 
b. digital natives
c. digital immigrants 
d. digital police 

2. The use of technology will enhance the 21st century skills along 

I. development of tools 
II. critical thinking and problem solving 
III. designing learning environment and spaces 
IV. all of the above 
a. I only 
b. II only 
 c. I, II III 
d. IV only 

3. A universal standard in the use of ICT in teaching and learning in the classroom requires all teachers to ________ EXCEPT one. 
a. use gadgets when teaching 
b. understand the issues and safety policies 
c. utilize the tools available in the environment 
d. buy an expensive computer 

4. The ICT competency standards for teachers include all the following EXCEPT one. Which one? 
a. digital and non-digital technology 
b. enhance financial literacy skills 
c. ethical issues on the use of ICT 
d. use of technology tools 

5. One of the constraints in the application of ICT for the enhancement of standards among teachers and students is______. 
a. training of technology teachers 
b. connectivity of the school 
c. availability of qualified teachers 
d. lack of awareness about the use of technology 

I Can Do More 
In this lesson, 
 A. I learned that ... (KNOWLEDGE) 
 B. I felt that ... (VALUE/ ATTITUDE) 
 C. I developed ... (SKILL)
Upload and Submit all your answers in the Online Classroom created by the Instructor. 

Reading Materials:

If you have some time please read these blogs by clicking the link below. These are the blogs of my students before in Educational Technology 2. (I also attached the link to my blog which talks about different ways on how to use technology in the teaching-learning process). You might want to gain ideas from them or exchange opinions/ thoughts about a topic the author (blogger) raised by leaving some questions or comments on his/her blog. ‌ Blogging gives students a voice in a safe environment. It's one way of expressing ideas to the whole world and having that academic discussion or exchange of ideas through a platform. It's a new way to share knowledge through the web and making the world as your audience. It takes one click to open the knowledge technology is trying to offer to us but sometimes we're just too lazy to read or listen to other people's ideas. ‌ So read and somehow be inspired by their experiences. ‌


  1. You may leave your comments here, so we can have an online discussion or exchange opinions/ thoughts about the topic. Have a fun learning! :)


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